Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Blog #1

Article Name: Law for domestic partners stands in Oregon

I tend to ask myself who am I to judge? What is so special about me that I have the right to judge someone else because of the way they live their life? I can have my opinions, and my beliefs, but I do not think that I should have the right to stop someone from doing something just because I chose to live a different life.

This is how I feel about same sex relationships and how we need to stop discriminating against them and give them the spousal rights they deserve. Who am I to tell someone that just because they love someone of the same sex that they are living an unhealthy life, and they should not receive the same rights that people who are with someone from the opposite sex receive.

I think that it is sad that our society looks so down on people who are in a same sex relationship. They are no different then you or me, they love someone just the same as we do and they deserve the same rights that heterosexuals receive.

I think that it is great that Oregon did not get enough votes to pass a law that would not give it citizens this right. I think that this should be mandatory in all states. For me it does not change anything, what are we gaining by taking this right away from them, nothing? But what are we doing by making it so they do not have this right? We are discriminating them because we do not agree with the way they live their life. Well to bad, I don’t think that anyone should have this much control over someone or something like this.

These are people’s lives that we are dealing with, and I think that people need to stop be so closed minded, and they need to stop judging others. If the tables were turned I can guarantee that heterosexuals would not want to be treated the way that we are treating people who are with someone of the same sex.



1 comment:

Bailey said...

Wow, I completely agree with you. This is a hard topic because there is so much controversy over it. For a long time I didn't really know how I felt about it just because I have heard so many different opinions and views. I think that if it is not harming anyone else, then who cares? I don't think people should have a say in who other people love or are attracted to. You feel the way you feel, period. I can see how it makes people uncomfortable, but then don't let it affect you.
However, there are some people that flaunt it and make others feel uncomfortable just for the attention and reaction out of people. I can see how the people that are affected get annoyed by that aspect of it. No one is perfect though and there will always be issues like this people no one can agree on everything. That would make things too simple. But I do agree that there should not be a law against it.

Word Count: 172